Career tips for seasoned professionals

April 2nd, 2022   •   Comments Off on Career tips for seasoned professionals   

When you start your career, everything is new and exciting. You’re beginning a journey where you will encounter adventure, opportunities, and challenges. As you settle into your professional life, you’ll develop valuable skills and adjust your career goals to suit your emerging interests. You’ll be more experienced, and possess a broader sense of what work means to you. Consider the following suggestions regarding how you can continue to advance your career.

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Happy New Year! Resolutions that will help boost your career.

January 1st, 2022   •   Comments Off on Happy New Year! Resolutions that will help boost your career.   

Have you ever considered making a New Year’s resolution related to enhancing your career? If you haven’t, why not? We invest a significant amount of time and energy into our work, so it’s important to identify ways to generate happiness and fulfilment related to our professional lives. We’re not talking about huge shifts such as changing jobs or entering a new career field, but rather more subtle things that you can identify and adjust as soon as you get back to work in the new year.

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Tips for Changing Career Fields

March 6th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Tips for Changing Career Fields   

Changing career fields can be scary and exciting! I’ve done it twice. Both times, I took my favorite part of the career I was in and made is the focus of my next. This allowed me to build upon my skills and interests while continuing to move forward professionally and challenge myself. As you transition, it’s important to know that you will need to make adjustments in order to successfully align yourself with your new chosen career field. Three tips for making a successful transition include acquiring the skills and training necessary for your new field, customizing your application materials (resume and cover letter), and growing your network to connect with relevant professionals and content.

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Career growth during a pandemic

April 3rd, 2020   •   Comments Off on Career growth during a pandemic   

Life as we know it has been turned upside down due to COVID-19, the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing is the norm as countries desperately try to stop the spread of the virus. There’s been a shift in how we live our lives, from work to activities to taking care of our families. While professionals deemed to have essential roles are working in the midst of this pandemic, many others are working remotely or have lost their jobs. There’s no doubt that this is a difficult time for our society in the United States. What does this mean for your career? In any time of trial, there are challenges but also opportunities. How can you invest in your career right now based on the current situation? Consider how you can build your skills and connect with people in new ways.

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Do you understand your professional value?

February 1st, 2020   •   Comments Off on Do you understand your professional value?   

When shopping, many people focus on finding the best value for their money; a fair price for a good or service that is purchased. Employers do the same thing when they hire new employees. An employer will consider what wage is fair for employees who will use their skills and knowledge to perform work on behalf of the organization. Potential employees should be very aware of this! It can put them in a position where they can understand and communicate their professional value. This can maximize earning potential and allow employees to find positions that will suit their skills, interests, experience, and career goals. How can you identify your professional value? Two ways are to identify your hard skills (also called technical skills) and soft skills (also called transferable skills).

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So many ways to learn and advance your career!

September 22nd, 2019   •   Comments Off on So many ways to learn and advance your career!   

Investing in your career is a must in order to keep your professional life moving forward. One way to do that is to engage in educational and professional development opportunities. Advances in technology and the increasing role of analytics in determining how companies make decisions have reinforced the importance of an intelligent and capable workforce. How can you tap into educational and professional development opportunities? Consider participating in employer-sponsored programs, industry options, and online resources.

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Transform your internship into a job!

July 8th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Transform your internship into a job!   

Participating in an internship is a great way to gain relevant experience in a job or field that interests you. It allows you to learn and apply important professional skills, adjust to a new work setting, and start building your network with colleagues. There is a steady stream of research that has shown that completing an internship increases your chances of getting a full-time job, which makes sense. Employers want to know if a potential employee can do the job (based on skills and experience) and will fit with company culture (based on attitude, motivation, and soft skills). Internships allow employers to evaluate potential employees prior to making a full-time offer based on that criteria. So, once you land an internship, what can do you to increase your chances of turning that opportunity into a full-time job? Consider the key elements of performance, networking, and unique value.

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New year, new career adventures!

January 6th, 2019   •   Comments Off on New year, new career adventures!   

The start of a new year is a great time to think about a career tune up! The energy and resources you invest into this exercise can pay dividends that will boost or shift your career. Are you ready to move forward to embrace new and exciting career adventures? Here are three ways to accomplish just that.

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Three things you can do to enhance your career in one week.

February 28th, 2018   •   Comments Off on Three things you can do to enhance your career in one week.   

A one-week career initiative can lead to new and exciting opportunities. How can you make an impact in just one week? It’s all about assessment, connection, and building your critical assets. read more

Don’t miss an opportunity to educate yourself when it comes to your career!

May 17th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Don’t miss an opportunity to educate yourself when it comes to your career!   

When you hear the word education, what do you think? High school? College? An experience where you sit at a table or desk and listen to someone lecture? Well, if you think that, technically you are right. Those things can be considered education. However, there is so much more to it. Education can take place at a school, but it can also happen everywhere else. Take a minute to look around you. Lessons are everywhere! Education, in essence, is the act of gaining knowledge. When you are looking for a job, it’s especially important to realize that there are many forms of education that can help you achieve your professional dreams. read more

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