Welcome to Career Road Trip! Are you ready?

Buckle-up for the ultimate road trip – your career!

We’re here to provide education, empowerment, and encouragement when it comes to your ultimate road trip. The destination? Your career!

Everyone has been on a road trip, whether it involved a spontaneous weekend getaway or a planned visit to a special destination. That trip you experienced is very similar to what you will encounter on your career journey. Think about it. Sometimes you know where you are going, but other times you get a little lost. Sometimes you are right on schedule, but other times you run into traffic or a detour that forces you to change course resulting in a delay. You pack with you think you’ll need, but may also need to pick things up along the way to make your journey successful. And most importantly, the people you connect with on your trip can affect you in ways that you never imagined.

Your career truly is a journey. It involves planning, detours, and sometimes surprising destinations. Our goal is to help you along the way. Consider us a career GPS that you can turn to for advice and support when you have questions, need encouragement, or take a wrong turn. We’ve not only traveled this road ourselves, we’ve helped hundreds of others in their career journeys.

So sit back, put your seat belt on, and let’s get started. As Lao Tzu stated, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

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