Unexpected bumps are the rule, not the exception!

February 27th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Unexpected bumps are the rule, not the exception!   

When I was getting ready to head to college, my plan was to be an architect. Well, that idea didn’t last long. We’ll call that career bump number one! I changed course, found a great major, and upon graduation embarked on my professional career. Little did I know that unexpected bumps in the road that cause you to move in new directions are the rule, rather than the exception. Bumps aren’t necessarily bad. For me, each bump was accompanied by increased self-awareness, which resulted in a twisty-turny road of career adventure! read more

It’s a great job, but is it right for you?

February 19th, 2015   •   Comments Off on It’s a great job, but is it right for you?   

You come across a job, and at first glance it looks perfect! It features a great company, industry, and even salary. The more you learn about it, the more excited you get. Before you jump in and accept that offer, or even interview, make sure you examine whether or not that opportunity is a fit for you when it comes to key areas such as job responsibilities, culture, and logistics. This is where your self-awareness comes into play. read more

Don’t just be in the photo. Get involved to find out who you are!

February 6th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Don’t just be in the photo. Get involved to find out who you are!   

If you were to look at my high school yearbook, you’d think I was a natural leader. I played sports and was involved in many student organizations. As a result, I was in quite a few yearbook photos. Well, looks can be deceiving! I may have been in the photos, but my contribution to those student organizations was minimal. read more

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