Quick tip – identifying your professional skills

June 16th, 2022   •   Comments Off on Quick tip – identifying your professional skills   

If someone asked you what your professional skills are, could you name them? Most people are aware of their skills in relation to a specific career field or industry. For example, software engineers possess programming skills and editors are adept at content management. While it is important to know your technical or subject matter-specific competencies, you also should identify and communicate your foundational skills to your network or a potential employer. Consider your career as you review the skills below to see which ones you have developed and can apply to a current or future position.

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Tell me about your resume…

May 4th, 2022   •   Comments Off on Tell me about your resume…   

Throughout the various stages of your career, especially when you are seeking new opportunities, you may be asked to tell someone about your resume. When they ask you to do so, what are they looking for? Surely, they can look at it themselves. After all, you’ve worked hard to compile and present your work history as professionally as possible! If you find yourself in this situation, take a step back and reflect before responding. Consider how important it is to tell them not only what you’ve done, but why you did it.

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Do you understand your professional value?

February 1st, 2020   •   Comments Off on Do you understand your professional value?   

When shopping, many people focus on finding the best value for their money; a fair price for a good or service that is purchased. Employers do the same thing when they hire new employees. An employer will consider what wage is fair for employees who will use their skills and knowledge to perform work on behalf of the organization. Potential employees should be very aware of this! It can put them in a position where they can understand and communicate their professional value. This can maximize earning potential and allow employees to find positions that will suit their skills, interests, experience, and career goals. How can you identify your professional value? Two ways are to identify your hard skills (also called technical skills) and soft skills (also called transferable skills).

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Get out of your career rut!

November 16th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Get out of your career rut!   

Your work life will most likely feature both highs and lows. Sometimes when you are stuck in a rut you don’t know where to start in order to get out of it. You may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, lost, or even scared. The good news? There are many career opportunities out there that can provide fulfillment. The bad news? It can be hard to find the right opportunity for you given your experience, skills, and interests. The following are strategies to help you get moving forward again. The keys are to start small, educate yourself, and focus on the positive.

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What are your career priorities?

May 2nd, 2019   •   Comments Off on What are your career priorities?   

Everyone has a set of priorities that is totally unique to that individual. Although you may share some priorities with other people, the exact combination and importance of each one is customized for you based on elements such as your values, interests, and goals. When it comes to your career, you will make decisions based on both personal and professional priorities since they affect each other.

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How can career assessments add value to your career decisions?

July 8th, 2017   •   Comments Off on How can career assessments add value to your career decisions?   

While some people feel that career assessments are invaluable, others find them useless. How can you tell if they are right for you? As a career professional, I believe career assessments are valuable tools that can be used to help you create and execute an effective career strategy. However, there’s a catch. In order to be valid, they must be completed, interpreted, and applied correctly. There are no easy answers or a one-stop shop that will reveal your “perfect” career. The following is an overview of different types of career assessments, how they should be completed, and in what way you should utilize the results to make sound career decisions. read more

Is your professional brand built upon these important attributes?

November 20th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Is your professional brand built upon these important attributes?   

The essence of a professional brand involves who you are and what you want to be known for professionally. It is a reputation that you build, evaluate, and cultivate over time. Although it takes hard work and long-term dedication to build a professional brand, it could take just minutes to destroy it. It’s critical to identify key attributes of a professional brand in order to establish and then build upon a strong foundation that will allow your brand to evolve and support your future career success. read more

Do you know where to find valuable information on LinkedIn to make better career decisions?

July 14th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Do you know where to find valuable information on LinkedIn to make better career decisions?   

The benefits of LinkedIn extend way beyond connecting with other professionals and presenting a top-tier profile through which you can market your professional brand. What many people don’t realize is that LinkedIn is a source of game-changing information for your career, that is, if you can find it! Whether you are climbing the corporate ladder or in the midst of some serious career exploration, tapping into content you’ll find within LinkedIn can help you gain knowledge and tools that will support smart career decision making. Where is this information, and how can it help you? To answer those questions you’ll do a little dreaming and then some detective work. read more

Looking for career direction? Then targeted exploration is a must!

May 16th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Looking for career direction? Then targeted exploration is a must!   

Whether you are new to the world of work, a professional thriving in your chosen profession, or at a career crossroads, the choices you have when it comes to your professional life can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Do you stay on the path you have established? What are your options? You may be unhappy, but don’t know where to turn. The first thing you need to know is that there is no magic wand or career genie that will do the work for you. However, the good news is that there are resources you can access and steps you can take that will help you find clarity amongst the chaos. They key is to look at yourself, gather the right information, and connect with other people. That process is called targeted exploration, and here’s how it can work for you! read more

This year’s a wrap, what’s next? Career prep for 2016.

December 8th, 2015   •   Comments Off on This year’s a wrap, what’s next? Career prep for 2016.   

For many people, this time of year signifies both closure and a new beginning, as one year ends and another begins. How do you prepare for a new year? Do you create resolutions in an attempt to make big changes, or do you stay the course? Regardless of your philosophy, the beginning of a new year is a good time to take a look at your professional life in order to evaluate your current career strategy. Here’s what you can do to ensure that your career makes a smooth transition into 2016. read more

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