Transform your internship into a job!

July 8th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Transform your internship into a job!   

Participating in an internship is a great way to gain relevant experience in a job or field that interests you. It allows you to learn and apply important professional skills, adjust to a new work setting, and start building your network with colleagues. There is a steady stream of research that has shown that completing an internship increases your chances of getting a full-time job, which makes sense. Employers want to know if a potential employee can do the job (based on skills and experience) and will fit with company culture (based on attitude, motivation, and soft skills). Internships allow employers to evaluate potential employees prior to making a full-time offer based on that criteria. So, once you land an internship, what can do you to increase your chances of turning that opportunity into a full-time job? Consider the key elements of performance, networking, and unique value.

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Do you need noise canceling headphones for your career?

June 7th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Do you need noise canceling headphones for your career?   

Many people, especially those who travel, use noise canceling headphones. Not only do noise canceling headphones block out exterior noise, they allow you to limit distractions and focus on what is important to you. Now, think about your career. It starts early. Young children are commonly asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” When the child answers, the response is met with some type of feedback and advice. Advice, which can be requested or unsolicited at times, continues throughout your life as you move through your career. It comes from family, friends, mentors, supervisors, colleagues, and sometimes total strangers. That advice, or noise, can become so loud it drowns out your own inner voice. When that happens, consider using your very own career-related noise canceling headphones.

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What are your career priorities?

May 2nd, 2019   •   Comments Off on What are your career priorities?   

Everyone has a set of priorities that is totally unique to that individual. Although you may share some priorities with other people, the exact combination and importance of each one is customized for you based on elements such as your values, interests, and goals. When it comes to your career, you will make decisions based on both personal and professional priorities since they affect each other.

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Considerations before negotiating salary in a new city

April 8th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Considerations before negotiating salary in a new city   

Moving to a new city is exciting, especially if it involves a new job! Some of the changes that you will anticipate include a new community, position, company, and professional network of colleagues. What can surprise you are the financial implications of such a transition. Your compensation will be different, and most likely your cost of living will vary from your previous location as well. You can set yourself up for financial success by effectively negotiating the compensation you will receive in your new role as well as considering the financial implications of your new situation. Before you accept that offer and start packing, get your financial house in order. To do so, it’s essential to research the value of the new position (and your skills) in your new market and the cost of living in the anticipated location.

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Beware of these career watch-outs!

March 7th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Beware of these career watch-outs!   

Your professional life is a journey. It will feature twists and turns, ups and downs. That said, each person’s journey will be different. I’ve worked with many people as they’ve developed career strategies and put them into action. I’ve witnessed great success, as well as many bumps in the road. Check out the following career strategy mistakes others have made. You can easily avoid them if you know what they are!

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Enhance your next interview experience!

February 1st, 2019   •   Comments Off on Enhance your next interview experience!   

Congratulations! You’ve just landed an interview for a great job. It’s a fit in terms of your skills, experience, and career goals, and you can’t wait to get in there and wow your potential employers during the interview. Although you are excited, don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Thoughtfully prepare for the interview. Do your research and get ready to explain to the interviewers how you can do the job effectively and why you’re a good fit for the role and company overall. But don’t stop there! Consider how you can present your skills in a relevant and comprehensive way, maximize your focus and active listening skills during the interview, and illustrate how you will add value to the role and organization overall.

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New year, new career adventures!

January 6th, 2019   •   Comments Off on New year, new career adventures!   

The start of a new year is a great time to think about a career tune up! The energy and resources you invest into this exercise can pay dividends that will boost or shift your career. Are you ready to move forward to embrace new and exciting career adventures? Here are three ways to accomplish just that.

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Why should I hire you? Tell them this!

December 21st, 2018   •   Comments Off on Why should I hire you? Tell them this!   

Why should I hire you? How would you respond? That is what employers are essentially asking you as you apply and interview for jobs. To establish yourself as a viable candidate for a position, you must possess the appropriate professional skills and experience. One challenge during the job search process is that many of the other candidates will have equal, if not better, qualifications than you. How can you set yourself apart? Consider going beyond the usual answers and integrating information based on your personality and values. This information can be a difference maker that will allow you to illustrate, unlike any other candidates, how you will be a fit for the position and organization.

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A job search can be complicated. Knowing these things can help!

November 4th, 2018   •   Comments Off on A job search can be complicated. Knowing these things can help!   

The process of looking for a job is complicated. Understanding some basic fundamentals of a successful search can help you secure a great opportunity. Keep in mind that everyone enters the job search process with different experience, skills, and qualifications. No two people, or job searches, are exactly the same. As a result, a job search must be customized to maximize your chances for success. Addressing key fundamentals such as aligning qualifications with opportunities, searching for jobs via the hidden job market, and utilizing the right tools effectively can turn your journey from a search to a find. read more

Should you join that organization?

October 5th, 2018   •   Comments Off on Should you join that organization?   

Yes, you should! Involvement with an organization can support both your personal and professional development. Whether you are a seasoned professional or someone just starting out in either college or the world of work, a connection with a social, professional, or nonprofit organization can provide a boost in many ways. The key is finding a good fit and making the most of the opportunities available to maximize the impact of your involvement. Consider the following benefits you can achieve by getting involved. read more

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