When you hear the word education, what do you think? High school? College? An experience where you sit at a table or desk and listen to someone lecture? Well, if you think that, technically you are right. Those things can be considered education. However, there is so much more to it. Education can take place at a school, but it can also happen everywhere else. Take a minute to look around you. Lessons are everywhere! Education, in essence, is the act of gaining knowledge. When you are looking for a job, it’s especially important to realize that there are many forms of education that can help you achieve your professional dreams. read more
Your career journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Since you will travel a long road full of twists and turns, you may underestimate the importance of each step. When you examine a successful career, you’ll find that there were thousands of steps along the way that alone seemed simple, but once connected formed an intricate journey. What you do today matters, because today’s actions will lead to tomorrow’s results. The key? Keep moving and connect! Here are some things you can do TODAY to jump start your career. read more
Listening is a super power. Yes, that’s right! You may be reading this and think it is so easy! You may say I listen to people all the time. My question to you is, do you listen, I mean really listen, attentively and thoughtfully? Have you been introduced to someone, only to forget their name 10 seconds later? Perhaps you were more concerned about what you would say rather than actually listening to the other person’s introduction. If you tap into your listening super power during a job interview it could mean the difference between getting the offer or a dreaded rejection. read more
Return on investment, or ROI, is just as important for you as a college student as it is for a billion dollar business. Just as a business invests assets in order to gain a profit, you are sacrificing money, time, and other resources for your education. Don’t you want it to pay off? Yes! Trust me, you want the best return on investment that you can get! College can be an important stop on your career journey, and it’s important to make the most of that investment. Here are some ways that you can make sure that your education will lead to some serious ROI down the road. read more
Your personal brand is so important when it comes to your career development. It stands for what you are all about, and what value you can bring to a potential employer. Since employers will take note of your brand as it relates to your candidacy, shouldn’t you do everything in your power to make sure it is powerful and truly representative of your talents and capabilities? Check out the 3 C’s to ensure that your brand is helping (and not hurting) your career! read more
The ability to effectively interview and hire candidates is critical to the success of any organization. After all, it’s the organization’s people that will do the work, make decisions, and generate results. Hiring involves an investment of time and resources, both of which are costly. That is why there is quite a bit of pressure on hiring managers to find the best candidates that will ultimately succeed in the roles for which they are hired. How can you show a potential employer that you are the right person for the job? Here are some ways that interviewees have wowed me! read more
Networking is a very valuable professional tool. If you do it the right way it can lead to job opportunities, generate sales, and create valuable relationships. What you should realize is that even though you may successfully connect with folks initially, the important thing is how you stay connected. That’s how you build relationships that will grow to benefit both parties. To do that, you need to make sure people remember who you are. Here are some ways you can be memorable when networking! read more
When I was getting ready to head to college, my plan was to be an architect. Well, that idea didn’t last long. We’ll call that career bump number one! I changed course, found a great major, and upon graduation embarked on my professional career. Little did I know that unexpected bumps in the road that cause you to move in new directions are the rule, rather than the exception. Bumps aren’t necessarily bad. For me, each bump was accompanied by increased self-awareness, which resulted in a twisty-turny road of career adventure! read more
When I arrived on campus the fall of my freshman year, I was excited. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but I did know it was my chance to figure out who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. Although my college experience was amazing, it could have been even better. Here is some advice that I wish someone given me as I began my college experience! read more