How jury duty is like a job search

March 14th, 2016   •   Comments Off on How jury duty is like a job search   

I walked to the mailbox, opened it up, and there it was….a jury duty summons! The morning of my report date I packed some snacks and a book to help pass the time, and then headed to the courthouse. After waiting for over three hours in the potential juror room, I was selected for a case. That was the beginning of my two-week term of jury duty service. I soon came to realize that jury duty and a job search have quite a bit in common. You never know who you will meet, how you will interpret the evidence, or how long the journey will take. read more

The resume is evolving, is yours?

February 8th, 2016   •   Comments Off on The resume is evolving, is yours?   

While there’s no lack of advice or suggestions available when it comes to crafting an effective resume, it can be challenging to make sense of the mountains of information out there and then apply what you learn to determine what will work best for you. Although advice and guidelines vary to some degree based on personal and professional preferences, there are some important overall concepts that shine through. As a former recruiter and current career advisor, I believe that in order for a resume to be effective in today’s job market, it should be customized for a target position and/or industry, focused on impactful achievements, and formatted in a way that is clear and concise. Read on to discover why these elements are so important. read more

An online job search is a blessing and a curse.

October 8th, 2015   •   Comments Off on An online job search is a blessing and a curse.   

Technology has revolutionized how we think about work, talk about work, and even do our work. As a result, it’s also changed how we find our work. Gone are the days of perusing the help wanted section in your local newspaper each week. Now it’s all about real-time, 24/7, instant access to thousands of job listings with a few clicks of your mouse. Does it seem too good to be true? Well, in a way it is. Although it’s easier than ever to find available jobs, it’s harder to land them. Here’s what you need to know about conducting an online job search, and how you can turn the great information you find online into the next stop on your career journey. read more

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