What NOT to do on a video call!

October 5th, 2020   •   Comments Off on What NOT to do on a video call!   

Video calls, conferences, and webinars are becoming the norm. We use technology to connect with people in our professional, academic, and personal lives more than ever since are living in the midst of a pandemic. Live video communication isn’t a novel concept anymore and it’s important to navigate it successfully. If you don’t, it can negatively affect your professional reputation or ability to land your next job. Learn from other people’s mistakes! Here’s are some watch-outs of what not to do.

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Hello candidate, meet our applicant tracking system!

September 19th, 2020   •   Comments Off on Hello candidate, meet our applicant tracking system!   

Given the prevalence of technology in our world, it is critical to communicate digitally in an effective manner. The hiring process is no exception. In the current hiring market, employers can receive thousands of applications for a single job opportunity. How do they manage that volume? They use applicant tracking systems, also known as ATS. Applicant tracking systems are computer software programs that are designed to manage the candidate application process, as most companies don’t have the people power to manually view and then sort every single application that is received. A hiring manager programs criteria (consisting of keywords and phrases) into the system, which then scans each application that is received to identify matches. If there are enough matches, the applicant tracking system moves the candidate along to the next stage. If not, the candidate is eliminated. Yes, candidates can be eliminated by a computer upon the initial scan, so the application materials are never even seen by an actual person at that company or organization! In addition to scanning materials, the applicant tracking system also sorts and ranks applications, then tracks candidates through the entire hiring process. When you apply for a job, expect that you will need to get past the applicant tracking system. Here are some tips that can help!

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Is that great job a scam? It may be, especially in the age of COVID-19.

August 2nd, 2020   •   Comments Off on Is that great job a scam? It may be, especially in the age of COVID-19.   

As I write this, it’s the summer of 2020 and the world is more than six months into the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment rates in our country have gone up and millions of Americans are out of work. Many of these people are actively looking for jobs, in addition to the recent college graduates who are entering the job market for the first time. While most employment opportunities are valid, a few are not. Unfortunately, some individuals prey on people in crisis. If you are looking for a job and the opportunity seems too good to be true, or something doesn’t feel right, pay attention to your intuition. Be cautious when job searching in the COVID-19 era and consider these signs that an opportunity is fake and may be a scam.

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Video interviews are here to stay. Are you prepared?

July 3rd, 2020   •   Comments Off on Video interviews are here to stay. Are you prepared?   

Due to many reasons, including advances in technology and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, companies and organizations are conducting more video interviews as they hire for positions. Video interviews are becoming the norm as opposed to the exception, especially for initial screening interviews. Video technology is now a part of our daily lives. Expectations are higher and you must be able to navigate it! While many of the basic principles for successful interviewing still apply, there are unique elements to video interviewing. Whether your video interviews are live or recorded, these tips can help. It’s important to understand how video interviews are different from in-person interviews and prepare properly to be successful in your interview experience.

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A job search is competitive; here’s how to stand out!

June 6th, 2020   •   Comments Off on A job search is competitive; here’s how to stand out!   

Regardless of your target career field or industry, chances are you will be competing against other candidates during a job search. And if you are competing for a highly desired position, that competition can be even more intense. It’s important to focus on what you can do to stand out rather than getting stressed, or even worse, paralyzed by fear to the point where you are afraid to move forward with your application! Some of these tips may be obvious, but it’s amazing how many job seekers don’t follow them. As a former recruiter, I can tell you with confidence that you need to all the right things and stand out in a positive way.

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Fast 5 Resume Tips (and a Bonus Tip!)

May 19th, 2020   •   Comments Off on Fast 5 Resume Tips (and a Bonus Tip!)   

I recently offered a Fast 5 Resume Review to my college advising students, which featured resume reviews along with five tips regarding how they can improve their resumes. As I reviewed the documents, certain patterns emerged and I found myself offering many of the same tips to each student. The tips, listed below, reflect perspective gained from my past experience as a professional recruiter and current role as a college career advisor.

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Career growth during a pandemic

April 3rd, 2020   •   Comments Off on Career growth during a pandemic   

Life as we know it has been turned upside down due to COVID-19, the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing is the norm as countries desperately try to stop the spread of the virus. There’s been a shift in how we live our lives, from work to activities to taking care of our families. While professionals deemed to have essential roles are working in the midst of this pandemic, many others are working remotely or have lost their jobs. There’s no doubt that this is a difficult time for our society in the United States. What does this mean for your career? In any time of trial, there are challenges but also opportunities. How can you invest in your career right now based on the current situation? Consider how you can build your skills and connect with people in new ways.

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How to get hired without looking for a job!

March 3rd, 2020   •   Comments Off on How to get hired without looking for a job!   

When you are in the midst of a job search and are looking for a new work opportunity, you’re considered an active candidate. You are actively looking for a job. Makes sense, right? You refine your resume, check out available opportunities, interview with potential employers, and hopefully land your next position. This is how most people define a job search. Do you know that a growing trend is to identify and then hire new employees that aren’t actually looking for a job? These people are called passive candidates, and they are seen as very valuable in the job market. They have skills and experience, and in most cases, are gainfully employed. How can you, as a passive candidate, attract the attention of a potential employer? The key elements are recommendations, reputation, and social media.

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Do you understand your professional value?

February 1st, 2020   •   Comments Off on Do you understand your professional value?   

When shopping, many people focus on finding the best value for their money; a fair price for a good or service that is purchased. Employers do the same thing when they hire new employees. An employer will consider what wage is fair for employees who will use their skills and knowledge to perform work on behalf of the organization. Potential employees should be very aware of this! It can put them in a position where they can understand and communicate their professional value. This can maximize earning potential and allow employees to find positions that will suit their skills, interests, experience, and career goals. How can you identify your professional value? Two ways are to identify your hard skills (also called technical skills) and soft skills (also called transferable skills).

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New year, new job? Ask yourself these questions before you start that search!

January 1st, 2020   •   Comments Off on New year, new job? Ask yourself these questions before you start that search!   

Are you thinking…new year, new job? It’s natural to consider making a fresh start at the beginning of a new year. If your fresh start involves a new job, make sure you clarify what you are looking for from multiple perspectives. Asking yourself about these four key elements will allow you to define your goals and create a foundation for a successful search. Those elements are duties and responsibilities, interests and values, work culture, and availability and sustainability.

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