Are you sure you want to quit your job?

December 3rd, 2021   •   Comments Off on Are you sure you want to quit your job?   

It may be a fleeting thought or something that’s on your mind a lot. You want to quit your job. It can be due to frustration, fantasizing about a new opportunity, a desire to grow your skills and experience, or just wanting a change. Regardless of the reason, after you make that decision it’s important to carefully consider your next steps in order to make a successful transition. Some key things that you need to determine include if you can do it, when you will do it, and how you will do it.

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Yes, cover letters are still a thing!

November 15th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Yes, cover letters are still a thing!   

Cover letters are an important part of the job application process. Don’t believe the rumors that tell you otherwise! A well written cover letter will move you forward through the candidate selection process and help you stand out from your competitors. Rather than just going through the motions and submitting an unremarkable cover letter, draft a cover letter that will inform and impress the hiring manager. You can accomplish that by showcasing your written communication skills, illustrating your knowledge of the company and the role, and telling your story while effectively connecting your skills and experience to the specific opportunity.

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Are you aware of this change in resume content?

October 9th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Are you aware of this change in resume content?   

Resumes are traditionally required to apply for jobs in most industries. Their formats, however, are always evolving. One current trend involves the header section of your resume, and it applies to most formats. It’s a result of the changing times, the way organizations currently do business, and how hiring managers manage their candidate pipelines. Are you curious about what this trend is? It’s omitting the street address on your resume. The reasons why are related to technology, security, and discrimination.

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Should you take that new job?

September 18th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Should you take that new job?   

Deciding to accept a new job can be exciting, but it may also feel a bit scary. There are so many unknowns, and the workplace is changing in new and unpredictable ways every day. While a job change may seem like the right move, make sure you consider the many factors involved to determine if it’s the best choice for you given where you are in your career. Consider the following questions as you decide.

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What does leadership look like in the workplace?

August 7th, 2021   •   Comments Off on What does leadership look like in the workplace?   

Companies and organizations want leaders. There’s value in an employee that brings leadership to a role, especially if it extends beyond the job description. Leaders can help increase productivity and create an environment that is engaging and motivating. It’s important to understand that there’s not just one way to lead effectively. Many people envision a leader in a one-dimensional way. It’s a common misconception that if you’re not managing other people, you’re not a leader. This is not true! Consider the different ways that you can be a leader in your organization.

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When and why should you update your resume?

May 3rd, 2021   •   Comments Off on When and why should you update your resume?   

When you are entering the professional world for the first time or making a career change, of course you’ll create or update your resume. But what about when that’s not the case? Regardless of whether or not you are looking for a new job, it’s important to maintain a current resume. A good guideline is to update it at least twice a year, possibly at the beginning of a calendar year and during the summer. Still not convinced? Here are some important reasons why you should update your resume regularly!

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Networking may be scary, but building your professional community isn’t!

April 8th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Networking may be scary, but building your professional community isn’t!   

Do you love networking? That’s great! If not, that’s okay! In many cases, networking has a bad reputation and some see it as uncomfortable, intimidating, or even scary. The concept of networking is often misunderstood or too narrowly defined, which can lead to a lack of trust of comfort with the process. When that happens, networking isn’t something you see value in or want to do. However, networking is important and is a part of our everyday lives (whether you realize it or not). The good news is there are ways to approach and engage in networking that can make it beneficial, effective, and even fun for you!

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Tips for Changing Career Fields

March 6th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Tips for Changing Career Fields   

Changing career fields can be scary and exciting! I’ve done it twice. Both times, I took my favorite part of the career I was in and made is the focus of my next. This allowed me to build upon my skills and interests while continuing to move forward professionally and challenge myself. As you transition, it’s important to know that you will need to make adjustments in order to successfully align yourself with your new chosen career field. Three tips for making a successful transition include acquiring the skills and training necessary for your new field, customizing your application materials (resume and cover letter), and growing your network to connect with relevant professionals and content.

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How can your priorities guide your career?

January 9th, 2021   •   Comments Off on How can your priorities guide your career?   

Developing and fulfilling career goals can be daunting tasks given all of the jobs that currently exist, plus the opportunities that are evolving as the world constantly innovates. There are many ways you can combine your skills and interests to fit with work opportunities. To set the course for a successful job search, it’s important to determine your priorities. Priorities vary, and it’s critical to identify what is most important to you. When it comes to professional priorities some things to consider include job title, company mission, work culture, location, salary, and benefits.

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Help others and enhance your career through volunteering

December 8th, 2020   •   Comments Off on Help others and enhance your career through volunteering   

Volunteering features many benefits, but do you know it can boost your career as well? Many people engage in volunteer work to help a cause or a community. Doing so gives them a feeling of satisfaction and the benefits for both the individual and initiative can be plentiful. Now, consider how that volunteer experience can support your career development, whether it’s in a personal (supporting a local nonprofit) or professional (serving on a committee for an industry association related to your job or career) context. Another thing to consider is that employers highly value volunteer experience, and in some cases, regard it as just as important as paid work experience! Consider how volunteering can help your career in terms of developing skills, building your network, and communicating your professional brand.

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