How can different types of mentors enhance your career?

April 8th, 2016   •   Comments Off on How can different types of mentors enhance your career?   

While the vast majority of people that I work with in my role as a career strategist know that mentors can provide valuable support and inspiration, few comprehend the true magnitude of mentorship. As a result, they miss out on many mentor-related benefits and opportunities. To make the most of your mentor experiences, it is critical to engage different types of mentors throughout your career in order to gain diverse and relevant skills, knowledge, and wisdom. Learn how traditional, peer, specialty, and reverse mentors can enhance your career. read more

How jury duty is like a job search

March 14th, 2016   •   Comments Off on How jury duty is like a job search   

I walked to the mailbox, opened it up, and there it was….a jury duty summons! The morning of my report date I packed some snacks and a book to help pass the time, and then headed to the courthouse. After waiting for over three hours in the potential juror room, I was selected for a case. That was the beginning of my two-week term of jury duty service. I soon came to realize that jury duty and a job search have quite a bit in common. You never know who you will meet, how you will interpret the evidence, or how long the journey will take. read more

What new professionals need to know

January 5th, 2016   •   Comments Off on What new professionals need to know   

Starting out as a new professional in your chosen field can be overwhelming. Your days on campus are over, and now you are in the real world. What you do in the early stages of your career can significantly impact your career journey in a positive (or negative) way. Here’s our advice for new professionals when it comes to the reality of “dream” jobs, employer feedback, and building mutually beneficial relationships. read more

This year’s a wrap, what’s next? Career prep for 2016.

December 8th, 2015   •   Comments Off on This year’s a wrap, what’s next? Career prep for 2016.   

For many people, this time of year signifies both closure and a new beginning, as one year ends and another begins. How do you prepare for a new year? Do you create resolutions in an attempt to make big changes, or do you stay the course? Regardless of your philosophy, the beginning of a new year is a good time to take a look at your professional life in order to evaluate your current career strategy. Here’s what you can do to ensure that your career makes a smooth transition into 2016. read more

You have a great job and you’re happy, now what?

November 14th, 2015   •   Comments Off on You have a great job and you’re happy, now what?   

Congratulations! You’ve landed an amazing job and you are doing the I-have-a-job-that-I-love happy dance. Your hard work has paid off and you deserve some time to soak it all in. Go for it! However, once you are settled, it’s time to think about the future. Here are some important things that you can do to make sure your career keeps moving forward. read more

Is a bad LinkedIn profile better than no LinkedIn profile at all?

September 13th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Is a bad LinkedIn profile better than no LinkedIn profile at all?   

I’m going to tell you the truth right up front, and that is, neither option is acceptable. LinkedIn is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your network, share information, and connect with people and content in order to facilitate the development of your professional brand. That is why it is important to invest your time and energy into this valuable professional resource. If you have a weak, or non-existent LinkedIn profile, that will speak volumes to both potential employers and professional contacts. read more

How the letter E can help you along your journey to career success.

May 27th, 2015   •   Comments Off on How the letter E can help you along your journey to career success.   

What happens when you type “career development” or “career strategy” into an Internet search field? I’ll bet that you find a lot of information! There are websites, articles, blogs, books, podcasts, and entire publications dedicated to this important topic. In addition to what you’ll find on the web, there are also many career development professionals ready to help including career counselors and staff at college and university career centers. The good news is that there is so much great information out there that can help you. However, how do you make sense of it all? I suggest that you follow the letter E to education, empowerment, and encouragement! read more

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