Should you negotiate salary? Absolutely!

May 14th, 2017   •   Comments Off on Should you negotiate salary? Absolutely!   

Based on the time and resources that employers dedicate to the hiring process, if they offer you a job they want you! That’s just one thing to keep in mind as you engage in the exciting (and possibly nerve-wracking) process of salary negotiation. Although you’ve successfully navigated the hiring process thus far, don’t take your foot off the pedal until it’s a done deal. Salary negotiation is an important part of the journey to a new job that will impact both your personal and professional lives. How important is it? Consider this scenario. A company presents job offers to two individuals, with very similar skills and experience, that represent identical roles at a company. Candidate Joe doesn’t negotiate and accepts the initial offer of $35,000/year. Candidate Mary receives the same offer and effectively negotiates to secure a $40,000/year salary to start. If both Joe and Mary receive a 3% annual raise, Mary will have earned $250,000 more than Joe over the course of her lifetime. That’s a lot of money! Best practice is to negotiate in order to establish a salary that takes into consideration the skills, experience, and value you bring to a new employer. Here are three things you need to know when negotiating salary. read more

How can you ease the stress of starting a new job?

March 12th, 2017   •   Comments Off on How can you ease the stress of starting a new job?   

Whether you’re a recent grad or seasoned professional, starting a new job can be both exciting and terrifying. You’ll encounter a new organizational culture, supervisor, responsibilities, and colleagues. How can you prevent it from becoming an overwhelming experience? Have a plan! Your job search strategy was effective (you landed the job!), so now it’s time to develop and execute a new job strategy. Some of the keys to success include connecting with others, doing your research, and focusing on positivity. read more

Interviewing via Skype? Check out these watch-outs and best practices!

February 5th, 2017   •   Comments Off on Interviewing via Skype? Check out these watch-outs and best practices!   

The hiring process is evolving in many ways, especially as technology changes the way we live our lives and conduct business. Many companies and organizations are integrating technology into their hiring practices and featuring Skype interviews as part of the candidate selection process. While in-person and Skype interviewing share many best practices, there are critical differences that you must be aware of as you approach your cyber interview experience. Environment, presentation, and technology are all factors that warrant consideration as you prepare for and execute your Skype interview. read more

What is the hidden job market, and how can you tap into it?

January 4th, 2017   •   Comments Off on What is the hidden job market, and how can you tap into it?   

Whether you don’t know about it, or are aware of what it is and choose not to access to it, you are missing out on countless career opportunities if you are not engaged in the hidden job market. The hidden job market is defined as a collection of jobs that are not formally posted or advertised, and career experts estimate that it represents 60% to 80% of all jobs hired for each year. That means that as active job seekers are roaming job sites and applying to online postings, they are competing for just 20% to 40% of all available jobs. Applying to online job postings may feel productive, but where are the results? Many clients claim they are getting nowhere with their job search despite applying to hundreds of postings. In most cases, the answer lies within the hidden job market. read more

3 Resume mistakes that can sabotage your job search!

December 2nd, 2016   •   Comments Off on 3 Resume mistakes that can sabotage your job search!   

A resume is an important career tool that should enhance, not harm, your job search efforts and professional brand. While the resume review process is subjective and there are no absolutes when it comes to how a potential employer will judge your qualifications, there are three critical mistakes you should avoid in order to keep your resume out of the “reject” pile. read more

Is your professional brand built upon these important attributes?

November 20th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Is your professional brand built upon these important attributes?   

The essence of a professional brand involves who you are and what you want to be known for professionally. It is a reputation that you build, evaluate, and cultivate over time. Although it takes hard work and long-term dedication to build a professional brand, it could take just minutes to destroy it. It’s critical to identify key attributes of a professional brand in order to establish and then build upon a strong foundation that will allow your brand to evolve and support your future career success. read more

You need to answer this question in an interview, even if they don’t ask it!

October 19th, 2016   •   Comments Off on You need to answer this question in an interview, even if they don’t ask it!   

Whether you are in the midst of a job search that involves interviewing for multiple opportunities or suddenly get a call from a recruiter who wants to talk to you about a specific position, there is one question that you should be prepared to answer. Different people may ask it in different ways, but the core of the question is the same. Consider what employers want and need to know, particularly during the interview process. Their collective goal is to determine if you are the candidate that will deliver the most value to the organization if hired for the position. To figure that out, they will in some way, shape, or form, ask you the following question. “Why should we hire you?” read more

Are you connecting the dots for potential employers?

August 8th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Are you connecting the dots for potential employers?   

Imagine this scenario. You find a job opportunity with a desirable company that you think will be fulfilling and challenging. The three-page resume you submit is chock full of information that highlights your many qualifications and achievements, after all, you’ve been a successful professional for over 15 years. You feel as if you can conquer any professional challenge that comes your way. In your cover letter, you profess your extreme enthusiasm for the position and present a comprehensive overview of your background. Five days later you hear back from the company, and it’s not good news. It’s a flat-out rejection. You are confused and frustrated. What happened? read more

Do you know where to find valuable information on LinkedIn to make better career decisions?

July 14th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Do you know where to find valuable information on LinkedIn to make better career decisions?   

The benefits of LinkedIn extend way beyond connecting with other professionals and presenting a top-tier profile through which you can market your professional brand. What many people don’t realize is that LinkedIn is a source of game-changing information for your career, that is, if you can find it! Whether you are climbing the corporate ladder or in the midst of some serious career exploration, tapping into content you’ll find within LinkedIn can help you gain knowledge and tools that will support smart career decision making. Where is this information, and how can it help you? To answer those questions you’ll do a little dreaming and then some detective work. read more

Looking for career direction? Then targeted exploration is a must!

May 16th, 2016   •   Comments Off on Looking for career direction? Then targeted exploration is a must!   

Whether you are new to the world of work, a professional thriving in your chosen profession, or at a career crossroads, the choices you have when it comes to your professional life can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Do you stay on the path you have established? What are your options? You may be unhappy, but don’t know where to turn. The first thing you need to know is that there is no magic wand or career genie that will do the work for you. However, the good news is that there are resources you can access and steps you can take that will help you find clarity amongst the chaos. They key is to look at yourself, gather the right information, and connect with other people. That process is called targeted exploration, and here’s how it can work for you! read more

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