Training & Education

Training and education can provide you with knowledge that you can apply in academic and professional settings, which can lead to job attainment and the road to career success.

A college education doesn’t guarantee you a job, and just because you were the top producer in the office last month doesn’t mean you won’t be laid off next week. This is such an interesting and challenging time to be in the job market. There is a lot of competition out there, and your job status can change on a dime.

One way to keep moving forward in your career journey is to continuously invest in yourself!

Training And Education Elements

What you need to know:

Training and education are vital when it comes to advancing your career. Yes, it is important to learn content, as in actual curriculum. That’s what is presented to you in a classroom or online in a structured manner. Now take it a step further. How much do you remember from your college classes, or the training session you attended last week? Research tells us not much. However, some of it did stick, even if you are working in a field that is unrelated to your major. You can make the most of what you learn by figuring out how you will apply the information, which takes practice and dedication. It is through that application and sharing of knowledge that you can gain dividends.

You are always learning! Learning is not limited to the classroom, and there are many forms of both formal and informal training and education. You learn a lot in college, but a good deal of it doesn’t take place in a lecture hall. You learn how to communicate effectively, multi-task, and work with others. You also learn how to think strategically, build a valuable network, and find essential resources. All of those things can have a huge impact on your professional life. One of the best things about college is that you have access to so many amazing resources such as teachers, mentors, alumni, specialized programming, support services, and student groups. Help and support are there if you want it!

Everyone is a lifelong learner, and experience is an amazing teacher. Whether you are gaining knowledge about the latest financial trend via your MBA curriculum, or what your favorite celebrity ate for lunch yesterday from a Twitter feed, you are learning. And whether you realize it or not, everything you learn directly affects your life. Learning takes place everywhere. It happens in a classroom or office, from the pages of a book or blog or website, at a networking event, via a conversation with a colleague or mentor, and in everyday experiences at home or in a professional setting. It affects what you know, how you act, and how others perceive you. If you can figure out how to effectively harness and apply that knowledge, you will achieve empowerment and growth.Close


Career-related ways to learn:

  • Formal education (college, specialized training programs, etc.)
  • Via your own research (reading books, articles, blogs, and effectively using social media)
  • Professional associations/groups – networking events, conferences, and activities
  • Internships and externships
  • Trainee programs
  • Colleagues and mentorsClose
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