Personal Branding

Personal branding is understanding what you are all about and effectively communicating that to others.

You are a brand! You have an image! In business terms it’s all about marketing yourself, not just packaging or selling something. The focus is on authenticity, substance, and consistency. In marketing you figure out what people want or need and deliver it. You have an image. Is your perception of yourself the same as the reality that others see?

Personal Branding Elements

What you need to know:

Given the prevalence of social media, it’s very hard to hide. There is so much information out there and believe us, potential employers will not hesitate to Google you. Be purposeful in what you share online. Build your brand through your presence, knowledge, network, and social media.

Within the scope of personal branding you identify your skills and goals, what you have to offer an employer, which employers are a match for your talents and abilities, and then how you can deliver value to make an organization better. What makes you unique, and sets you apart from all of the other candidates vying for the same position? How are you uniquely qualified? Then you need to communicate that in a consistent and focused way.Close

Elements and tools you can use to communicate your personal brand:

  • Social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  • Your own personal website
  • Personal branding statement
  • Elevator pitch
  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Portfolio – can contain examples of past work, case studies, etc.
  • Your dress and professional image – how do you present yourself?
  • Manner of communication with others (in-person, online, and via phone)
  • Photos – photos for use in your career journey should be clear and professional
  • Business cards
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