Start Your Career Roadtrip

Pack the right tools for your career journey!

Before you leave for a trip you pack a suitcase, right? The purpose of this section is to provide an overview regarding career development and job search strategy elements, along with some practical advice based upon our personal and professional experience. These topics are all very important, and should be included in your career journey suitcase. You never know what you will need along the way!

Keep in mind that this is just a starting point. There is so much information out there about career-related strategy and topics. Make sure that you explore and dig deeper into topics that interest you. If you find something that you feel is especially valuable, let us know! Although you’ll find common themes and advice, please know there is no one right way to do things. Do your research and then figure out how what you learned can work for you. Remember, although you may reach the same destination as others, each journey traveled to get there is unique.

Key Elements


To achieve career success and satisfaction, you must truly understand yourself. To do so, it is critical to identify your passions, abilities, interests, goals, values, and vision.

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Training & Education

A college degree won’t guarantee you a job. The good news? Learning takes place everywhere – just look for the lessons that will guide your path to career success.

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A strong network and sharp resume can get you in the door, but your ability to interview effectively will actually get you the job.

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It is critical to connect with others to share information and build mutually beneficial relationships. Don’t be scared, everyone can do it!

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Personal Branding

It’s all about who you are, how you communicate, and how others perceive you. Connect those dots and show potential employers how you are the best person for the job. It involves hard work and strategic thinking on your part, but the rewards you reap will carry you to your career destination!

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