Yes, cover letters are still a thing!

November 15th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Yes, cover letters are still a thing!   

Cover letters are an important part of the job application process. Don’t believe the rumors that tell you otherwise! A well written cover letter will move you forward through the candidate selection process and help you stand out from your competitors. Rather than just going through the motions and submitting an unremarkable cover letter, draft a cover letter that will inform and impress the hiring manager. You can accomplish that by showcasing your written communication skills, illustrating your knowledge of the company and the role, and telling your story while effectively connecting your skills and experience to the specific opportunity.

Employers want employees that can communicate effectively. Your cover letter can show how you are able to express your ideas professionally and it also serves as a sample of your written communication skills. Take care in how you craft your cover letter and make sure you proofread before submitting the document as part of the application process.

Do your research and show the employer that you understand both the role you are applying for and the company. One of the most common cover letter mistakes is to submit the same exact document for each opportunity to which you apply. Employers will notice your lack of detail and honestly, laziness, if you do this. Show you did your research and that you are excited about the specific opportunity. First of all, you can insert a statement about the organization and why you believe it is impressive. Next, illustrate that you are excited about working for that organization and understand the specific role. That leads us to the next point.

Tell stories that connect your skills and experience to the role to show how you will bring value to the organization. First show you understand the role, then strategically state how you are qualified by linking your skills, experience, and accomplishments to the position’s qualifications and duties. You need to connect the dots for employers! Use specific examples/stories of how you have developed skills and achieved success in the past to provide context and credibility. Past success is an indicator of future success, so make sure you show how you can continue to bring value to employers based on what you’ve done previously in your career.

By effectively expressing yourself in writing, showing you understand the company and the role you’re applying for, and telling stories that illustrate how you can use your skills and experience to benefit the company, your cover letter will help you stand out. As you do this, watch-out for common cover letter pitfalls such as just restating the content in your resume and rambling on. Keep your cover letter concise and to the point, but also use that story-telling element to bring your qualifications to life. By following these tips, your cover letter will help propel you to the interview stage where you can really wow your next employer!

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