What does leadership look like in the workplace?

August 7th, 2021   •   Comments Off on What does leadership look like in the workplace?   

Companies and organizations want leaders. There’s value in an employee that brings leadership to a role, especially if it extends beyond the job description. Leaders can help increase productivity and create an environment that is engaging and motivating. It’s important to understand that there’s not just one way to lead effectively. Many people envision a leader in a one-dimensional way. It’s a common misconception that if you’re not managing other people, you’re not a leader. This is not true! Consider the different ways that you can be a leader in your organization.

You lead people in some capacity, which is in a formal or informal role. CEO, director, or manager are common job titles for formal leaders within organizations. Effective leaders create systems and environments where employees feel valued. They set clear expectations, motivate others, measure and reward success, communicate effectively, and empower the people around them.

You lead projects or events. When it comes to this type of leadership, your work is more of an indicator of your leadership than your job title. An intern in an organization can be a leader if they take charge of a project or event. This is great news for all employees, because leading in this capacity allows you to access the ability to lead where you can develop important professional skills.

You lead with your ideas. In this case, you lead via inspiration and innovation. You challenge the status quo and try to find ways to make your work or the overall organization better and more productive. If you have great formal leaders, they will value your input. Every employee at a company or organization plays an important role in its success and possesses a unique viewpoint based on their work and skillset. To lead in this capacity, think beyond your everyday duties and share your ideas with company leaders

You lead by example. Anyone can lead by example, regardless of their job title. Your commitment to your organization, work ethic, and attitude inspires others. They may learn skills and competencies from you, or glean motivation from the way you work and engage with other people. Two important values of people who lead by example are trust and respect. In some cases, people who lead by example are tapped to serve as mentors to other professionals.

Remember, everyone in an organization has the ability to be a leader in some capacity. Consider your talents, skills, and aspirations. Then, seek out ways to develop your leadership skills. By building your leadership, you can gain success professionally and increase the fulfillment you derive from your work!

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