LinkedIn: Quick tips, big impact

July 31st, 2021   •   Comments Off on LinkedIn: Quick tips, big impact   

LinkedIn can be an extremely valuable professional social networking tool, if you know how to use it! The LinkedIn platform allows you to connect with professionals and organizations, find jobs, and gain knowledge that is specific to your career field. To take advantage of all that LinkedIn has to offer, it’s critical to effectively create and cultivate your profile. These quick tips that involve your headline, keywords, skills, and accomplishments, can significantly enhance your profile!

First of all, feature an engaging and informative headline. This is one of the first things viewers will observe about your profile, and a good headline will encourage others to connect with you. Your headline should catch the reader’s attention, reflect your professional brand, and illustrate your professional aspirations. It will also allow recruiters to find you for positions they are seeking to fill through their searches.

Next, take advantage of the opportunities to highlight your accomplishments throughout your profile. LinkedIn is different than a resume in that you aren’t limited to a page or two. So, tell your story in a variety of different ways! By featuring your diverse skills and experience via your background and accomplishments you can make the most of the opportunities that LinkedIn presents in this area. Some important elements to integrate include licenses and certifications, languages, projects, publications, volunteer experience, honors, awards, relevant courses, and organizations. By featuring content in these sections, you can express your diverse capabilities that extend beyond your work experience.

Lastly, integrate your skills. It’s very important to integrate relevant keywords throughout your profile, as this will allow you to showcase your qualifications, speak the language of your industry, and get discovered by recruiters and professionals that want to connect with you. Skills feature essential keywords and should be presented not only in your Skills and Endorsements, but also in the Headline, About, and Experience sections.

Hopefully these tips will help you enhance your LinkedIn profile. The platform is the premier way to make professional connections, especially in an age where in-person networking has been limited due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. Invest time into building your profile in order to reap professional rewards, enhance your brand, and build your career!

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