When and why should you update your resume?

May 3rd, 2021   •   Comments Off on When and why should you update your resume?   

When you are entering the professional world for the first time or making a career change, of course you’ll create or update your resume. But what about when that’s not the case? Regardless of whether or not you are looking for a new job, it’s important to maintain a current resume. A good guideline is to update it at least twice a year, possibly at the beginning of a calendar year and during the summer. Still not convinced? Here are some important reasons why you should update your resume regularly!

First of all, you never know when an amazing job opportunity will come up and you’ll need to submit your resume, potentially at a moment’s notice. This can be at a new place of business, or a promotion within your current organization. Companies want to hire great people with relevant skills, and your work experience and connections may lead you to a new opportunity when you aren’t even looking. Don’t risk making a mistake if you need to hastily update your resume! That can be the difference between getting the job or not. Maintain a current version of you resume so you’ll be ready.

Oh no, you didn’t see it coming, but all of a sudden, you’ve been fired! That’s another reason why you should maintain an updated resume. Even the most stable work situations can quickly change and it’s a good idea to keep an updated resume on hand in in case you unexpectedly need to apply for new jobs as a result of an abrupt unemployment situation.

As you build your career, you will constantly be acquiring new skills and experience, which should be regularly added to your resume. This will ensure it’s comprehensive and contains your most up-to-date qualifications, and it can prevent you from forgetting important things that should be added. As you accomplish your professional goals, make sure that translates onto your resume and quantify your achievements whenever possible to show impact.

Your career may shift in unexpected ways. If it does, update your resume so the most important and pertinent information is highlighted. Replace content that is outdated or irrelevant. Remember, a resume should contain the most important information that’s related to your current work situation, it’s not a running list of everything you’ve done. Focus your resume on your most critical achievements and align the content with your career goals.

When you update your resume in consideration of any of the preceding reasons, it becomes an easy habit rather than a chore. In this ever-changing world, be prepared to show how your skills and qualifications make you a great candidate for that next opportunity!

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