Tips for Changing Career Fields

March 6th, 2021   •   Comments Off on Tips for Changing Career Fields   

Changing career fields can be scary and exciting! I’ve done it twice. Both times, I took my favorite part of the career I was in and made is the focus of my next. This allowed me to build upon my skills and interests while continuing to move forward professionally and challenge myself. As you transition, it’s important to know that you will need to make adjustments in order to successfully align yourself with your new chosen career field. Three tips for making a successful transition include acquiring the skills and training necessary for your new field, customizing your application materials (resume and cover letter), and growing your network to connect with relevant professionals and content.

As you transition into a new career field, you need to be qualified. Ask yourself if you have the skills and qualifications necessary to acquire and actually do the job. In my first career transition, I needed to secure training and certifications. In order to obtain my target job in my second career transition, I had to complete a graduate degree specific to that field. Many of your skills will transfer, including your foundational or human skills (also called soft skills), which can include communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, adaptability, and creativity. Research positions and the qualifications of professionals in your target job(s) to see what skills and qualifications they possess, then determine if you need to complete training, certifications, or additional degrees as you transition into that career field.

Next, it is very important to tailor your resume and cover letter for the position(s) you are seeking. Highlight your relevant experience, skills, and educational/training qualifications that are connected to that specific job opportunity. Review job descriptions to identify keywords and then integrate those keywords into your application materials as appropriate. Many employers use applicant tracking systems to initially scan resumes and cover letters. Hiring managers program specific keywords and phrases into the system, which then looks for matches within your materials. To get through to an interview, you must have enough matches and show you possess the relevant skills and experience to qualify for the job. Don’t lie or exaggerate on your resume! This is unprofessional and employers will most likely discover the truth in the interview or as you begin the job. In both of those cases, it will reflect poorly on you and can damage your professional reputation.  

Lastly, it is essential to build your network and connect with professionals in your target career field. This will help you gain knowledge about the field, learn about important trends and opportunities, and identify potential challenges. Network connections can provide unique insight and tips regarding what you can do to make a successful transition into the field. Connect with your friends and family to see if they know anyone that works in the field, and if so, ask for an introduction. A valuable tool that you can use to identify new connections and expand your network is LinkedIn. Search for connections that work in your target career field or even at specific companies, then connect and share information. You can also join relevant groups or professional associations and attend networking events and conferences to build your network.

To make a successful career transition, it’s important to consider how you can align and present your skills, experience, and qualifications to connect with new opportunities. Ways to do that include acquiring the proper qualifications and training, tailoring your resume and cover letter, and engaging with professionals in your target field. While sometimes challenging, the process can lead you to amazing opportunities that result in a renewed excitement about your work and professional fulfillment.

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