You got the interview, but not the job. Why not?

November 4th, 2020   •   Comments Off on You got the interview, but not the job. Why not?   

Your resume, skills, experience, and maybe even a network contact got you in the door with an employer for an interview. You thought it went well, but then you get a message from the employer telling you that they went with another candidate. It’s important to keep in mind that just because you have an interview, that doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get an offer. Employers take great care in conducting interviews in order to select the person they believe is the best fit for each job. You reflect on the interview experience and wonder; did I do something wrong? Review the following reasons candidates aren’t hired based on interviews and then consider how you can avoid these mistakes in the future.

You didn’t express a clear understanding of the job and/or company.

Before an interview, it’s critical to do your research and prepare! You may not know all of the details initially. In many cases, once you are in the interview the prospective employer will clarify and expand upon information about the position that goes beyond the job description. However, prior to the meeting you should have a solid understanding of the job, the company, the industry, and important trends. Plus, you should be able to demonstrate this in the interview.

You didn’t effectively communicate how your skills, experience, and interests align with the position.

This all comes down to value. What value will you bring to the company if selected? You need to present and elaborate upon relevant skills and experience to show how you can make a positive impact. If you have amazing skills, but they don’t match with what the company needs, you won’t be a desirable candidate and they’ll find someone else who is a better fit.

You didn’t express excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

It’s important show that you are enthusiastic about the position during the interview. You don’t need to be over the top or falsely energetic, but you should genuinely show that you are eager about the opportunity. This speaks to your motivation, how you will approach the role professionally, and how you will fit with the company culture. If you aren’t enthusiastic during the interview, how can the employer expect you to be enthusiastic about the job if you get it?

You didn’t answer the questions accurately and/or succinctly.

Make sure you answer what is asked of you, not just what you think is important for the employer to know about your candidacy. You will be asked questions based on what the employer feels is most critical when it comes to the job, so answer them accurately and address all of their queries. Also, try to keep your answers succinct and relevant to the topic. A common interview mistake is when a candidate rambles on and on. In many cases, this results in time wasted on irrelevant information or the employer believes you can’t effectively communicate.

You didn’t act in a professional manner during the interview.

Interviews can be stressful, so it’s important to properly prepare and practice. Common interview mistakes include appearing nervous, too quiet, or arrogant. Dress professionally and go to the interview prepared with your resume, a copy of the job description, and a method to take notes. If it’s in in-person interview, obtain directions ahead of time and leave early just in case you encounter traffic. If you are doing a virtual interview, test your technology, make sure you have adequate lighting, select a quiet space in which to conduct the interview, and display an appropriate background. Don’t be late, or too early! Arrive or login 5-10 minutes before the interview is scheduled to begin.

Now that you are aware of these potential interviewing mistakes, try your best to avoid them! So, what should you do? Express a clear understanding of the job and company, effectively communicate your skills, experience and interests (and how they align with the position), show excitement and enthusiasm about the opportunity, answer interview questions accurately and succinctly, and act in a professional manner in the interview. Follow these guidelines, prepare, and practice so your confidence will shine through. Good luck!

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