Career growth during a pandemic

April 3rd, 2020   •   Comments Off on Career growth during a pandemic   

Life as we know it has been turned upside down due to COVID-19, the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing is the norm as countries desperately try to stop the spread of the virus. There’s been a shift in how we live our lives, from work to activities to taking care of our families. While professionals deemed to have essential roles are working in the midst of this pandemic, many others are working remotely or have lost their jobs. There’s no doubt that this is a difficult time for our society in the United States. What does this mean for your career? In any time of trial, there are challenges but also opportunities. How can you invest in your career right now based on the current situation? Consider how you can build your skills and connect with people in new ways.

Due to the mandate of social distancing, we are all spending more time at home. That means the time we previously dedicated to events and activities is now committed to more isolated pursuits. Why not use this time to build your professional tools and skills? Take a look at your resume. Is it an accurate representation of your skills, experience, and accomplishments? Does it showcase your professional qualifications effectively? Revise it! Whether you are content in your current role or getting ready to seek a new professional opportunity, a polished resume is a must. You can also examine your LinkedIn profile and determine how you can update it to maximize its effectiveness. Find online training resources and boost your skills. I know I’ve been thrust into the world of video conferencing to communicate safely both personally and professionally. What platforms are you using, and how can you improve your skills? Watch webinars and read articles. Resources such as Coursera, edX, Alison, LinkedIn Learning, Skillshare, Codeacademy, Udemy and Simpliv all offer programming. Find industry-specific resources, learn more about what’s happening in your career field, and build specific skills. Do a thorough analysis of your professional qualifications and then engage in training and resources to fill in the gaps. How can you advance your skills and qualifications to move forward in your career? Look for opportunities, not excuses to disengage from the professional world during this pandemic.

You may not be out and about interacting with people in-person, but don’t forget there are other ways to connect! As was previously mentioned, video conferencing is booming. Not only are companies and schools using it to connect with working professionals and students, people are using online services to connect with friends. One day last week I had an online social event with friends and my daughter participated in a virtual dance party and a play date. On LinkedIn you should build your profile to add experience and skills, but also make new connections with people, companies, and groups. Engage with professional associations and alumni networks. Try to find professionals in roles you aspire to and connect for an informational interview where you’ll gain both knowledge about your field and a new connection. We are all in the same boat right now, and potential connections that have down time may appreciate your gesture of reaching out to connect. Some people are more available than ever. Build that professional network! Reconnect with people that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Share information and even stories about how you are dealing with being quarantined. You never know where these conversations via video chat or phone will lead you once life returns to a more normal state.

Don’t use this crisis as a time to disengage from your career. Things are moving forward, albeit slower in certain industries. Seek out the opportunities! Explore and engage so you will be able to come out of the era of COVID-19 stronger, confident, and more qualified from a career perspective.

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