New year, new job? Ask yourself these questions before you start that search!

January 1st, 2020   •   Comments Off on New year, new job? Ask yourself these questions before you start that search!   

Are you thinking…new year, new job? It’s natural to consider making a fresh start at the beginning of a new year. If your fresh start involves a new job, make sure you clarify what you are looking for from multiple perspectives. Asking yourself about these four key elements will allow you to define your goals and create a foundation for a successful search. Those elements are duties and responsibilities, interests and values, work culture, and availability and sustainability.

Duties and responsibilities are the nuts and bolts of your job. They include the kind of work you will do, the skills you will use, and the everyday tasks you will be responsible for in your role. They are also the basis of how your performance will be measured. Consider what your day to day responsibilities will be and how much you like doing those things. Also, think about how you want to advance your skills and knowledge through on-the-job experience, education, and specialized training opportunities. Will the new job opportunity allow you to do that?

The more your duties and responsibilities synch with your interests and values, the greater the chances are that you will achieve long-term success in your new role. Interests can drive your motivation and values serve as the foundation of your actions. Can you see yourself in your new role for the next two, five, or ten years? How does it connect to your short- and long-term goals? Does the work itself and the nature of the work (considerations such as travel, stability or ever-changing challenges) interest you? Consider how the values of the job and organization synch with your values.

Work culture is so important! This involves the environment and overall energy of your workplace. Is it relaxed, or fast-paced, or formal? Will you work collaboratively on a team or independently? Consider how that fits with your expectations and comfort level. You can have a job that’s a great match in terms of duties and responsibilities, but if the culture doesn’t resonate with you it can jeopardize your satisfaction and success. As you interview, be very observant and picture yourself in the work environment. Given that, will you thrive or will it be a bad fit for you?

Are jobs that you want available? Do they even exist? You may have a dream job, but if no one is willing to pay you to do it, it isn’t viable. A job must not only be available, it needs to be sustainable. That means it will continue on and be sustained in the marketplace. What are the trends in your field? Are you aware of emerging opportunities? Is your field projected to grow or decline?

These are all areas you must consider when conducting a job search and mapping out the next steps in your career. If they all align, great! If not, consider what your priorities are and how you will be need to make compromises. Just like a home, a career needs a solid foundation in order to endure. Establish these four corners of your job search and build from there!

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