Answer this: How do you define success?

October 11th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Answer this: How do you define success?   

As you explore career options, you will most likely interview with organizations that have job opportunities available that interest you. The interview process can be tricky. It’s important to realize that everything you do and say will be evaluated by a potential employer to determine if you are a good fit for the role, and sometimes more importantly, the organization’s culture. Be prepared to be professional during every interaction with a new employer and also consider the questions they may ask you to determine your qualifications and fit with the company. One question that is often asked is, “How do you define success?” It’s critical to understand why they are asking this of you and how you can answer it effectively during an interview.

Employers will ask this question to learn what is important to you. Your answer can provide insight into your values, priorities, and motivation to do the job. Some employers are looking for specific answers when they ask this question, but others are more open-minded about what they will hear from you. The important thing to consider, which applies to all career-related activities, is that everything is subjective. It depends on the person and how they interpret things. One interviewer may find your answer outstanding, while another can find it troublesome. We all form opinions and beliefs based on our past experience; it’s what shapes us. Given that, how can you answer this question in a way that is more likely to resonate positively with interviewers?

First of all, be honest. Don’t just tell them what you think they want to hear, tell them something that’s truthful and in alignment with your values and aspirations. Next, be positive. Present your answer in a way that is constructive and confident. Don’t tell them what success isn’t to you. That will reveal a tendency to see things in a negative light, which could translate into being difficult to work with or an unwillingness to take on challenges due to a fear of obstacles and failure. Lastly, connect your answer to the job for which you are being considered and also what you know about the organization itself. Consider why you want to work there and how it will help you achieve your professional goals. How can you apply your skills and experience to help an organization achieve its objectives? How does your definition of success illustrate that you can make a positive impact?

As you explore new career opportunities, consider what success means to you and how you can explain this to a potential employer. Focus on being honest, positive, and connected to the job you are pursuing. This allows you to show employers how you will bring value to the role and organization, plus it can also help them determine how they can give you the right tools and opportunities to support you in your new role.

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