Yes, you should network during the summer!

August 6th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Yes, you should network during the summer!   

Professional networking isn’t usually the first thing you think about when it comes to summer. Instead, thoughts turn to vacations, the beach, relaxing, and spending time with family and friends. Networking is essentially connecting with people and sharing information, so summer is actually a perfect time to do that through events and activities that interest you! While networking may not be the main reason you engage in summer activities, it can be an added benefit. You can do this through leisure events, conferences, and back to school programs.

Leisure events encompass anything you do for fun in your free time. They can include neighborhood gatherings, community events, charitable events and programs, and even vacations. Through these activities you can connect with lots of different people! You may reconnect with a friend you haven’t seen in a while who works at a great company that is looking for new talent. Or, you can meet a friend of a friend that works in your same industry. Casually connecting with people can help you gather information and make connections that can support your career. Remember, everyone has a network and you never know who knows who!

Many industries hold professional conferences during the summer. Take advantage of these opportunities to connect with others and learn about trends, challenges, and innovations in your industry. Make a point to meet others to discuss these things in both formal sessions and casual encounters such as meals and pre or post session conversations. You can share information, learn about what you have in common, and develop ways to work together in the future.

If you have children, then you know that when the summer starts winding down it’s time for back to school events. Events can include picnics, orientations, and PTA meetings. These events are great ways to meet other parents. School events as bring people together from all areas of your district or school community. Based on that, the individuals you will meet will have varied professional backgrounds. You can re-engage with people you know and try to make new connections.

Summer is all about having fun and connecting with people in fun ways. Consider how you can do this to network in ways to support your professional career!

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