Beware of these career watch-outs!

March 7th, 2019   •   Comments Off on Beware of these career watch-outs!   

Your professional life is a journey. It will feature twists and turns, ups and downs. That said, each person’s journey will be different. I’ve worked with many people as they’ve developed career strategies and put them into action. I’ve witnessed great success, as well as many bumps in the road. Check out the following career strategy mistakes others have made. You can easily avoid them if you know what they are!

First of all, don’t set unrealistic goals. If an opportunity seems like a lot of fun or something that you’d love to do, make sure you have the skills and experience necessary to do the job. Many people find a dream job, excitedly send in an application, then feel crushed when they are rejected. Interest in a job isn’t enough. Review the job description and determine how your professional skills, industry knowledge, and past work experience connect to the position. That is what will make you a viable candidate.

Next, don’t assume that you will continue to advance in your career. Past success is great, but future progress depends on hard work and continued performance. Some professionals achieve success, rest on their laurels, and then expect potential employers to knock down their doors for years to come. Stay hungry and continue to seek opportunities to advance your skills and experience. Jobs evolve, especially with ongoing advances in technology. Invest in yourself, take advantage of professional development opportunities, build your skills, and connect with people to enhance your professional network.

Lastly, never burn a bridge (when it comes to people). Relationships are critical, especially in the workplace. Don’t speak negatively about a former boss, colleague, or other work-related contact. Your professional brand is essentially your reputation, and your reputation has the power to open doors if you are productive and positive. You won’t get along with everyone, but do the best you can to maintain your poise and professionalism throughout your career. You never know who will send a future opportunity your way, or speak out against you to others.

You can avoid common career mistakes that others make by setting realistic career goals, always seeking opportunities to advance your skills and career, and maintaining productive professional relationships. And an added benefit? By avoiding the previously mentioned pitfalls you’ll be able to focus on finding career success in a more focused and engaged manner.

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