Should you join that organization?

October 5th, 2018   •   Comments Off on Should you join that organization?   

Yes, you should! Involvement with an organization can support both your personal and professional development. Whether you are a seasoned professional or someone just starting out in either college or the world of work, a connection with a social, professional, or nonprofit organization can provide a boost in many ways. The key is finding a good fit and making the most of the opportunities available to maximize the impact of your involvement. Consider the following benefits you can achieve by getting involved.

You’ll meet new people. Organizations are made up of people, so it’s inevitable that you will connect with others in some way through your involvement. This can also be seen as networking! Networking is essentially meeting new people and sharing information, and isn’t limited to professional settings. When considering an organization, learn about the people involved and determine if the topics and activities they feature fit your interests, values, and goals of involvement.

You’ll develop transferable skills. These skills, also called soft skills, are intangible and focus on how you interact effectively with other people. They include things such as communication, problem solving, critical thinking, conflict resolution, and leadership. Working with other people helps you to build these skills, as they develop from experience. Even though organizations differ in terms of mission and type of activities, they all focus on interacting with other people. From a professional perspective, developing transferable skills can directly impact your career in a positive way.

You’ll build your resume. You can do this by engaging in volunteer work, becoming a leader, or developing important skills. These activities and achievements allow you to showcase your abilities and experience, plus how you have made a positive impact. Past performance is an indicator of future success, and you can draw parallels from involvement with an organization to your professional life.

You’ll learn new things about yourself. In many cases, you won’t know how a certain activity or topic resonates with you until you dive in. Involvement with an organization is a great way to explore your interests and gain practical experience to see if you really enjoy certain things, or if the reality doesn’t meet your expectations. You can learn what motivates, excites, and frustrates you, and then use that information as you make decisions moving forward in both your personal and professional lives.

You’ll have fun. When you connect with other people in an organization and explore new interests, you can find common ground and engage in activities that are enjoyable and entertaining. You can make new friends and expand your horizons. As you continue to identify what you enjoy through involvement with an organization it may lead you to discovering a new passion in life!

When you identify an organization that’s a fit for you, figure out how you want to get involved. Consider your interests, the mission and activities of the organization, and the time you have available. Then determine the benefits you will reap from your involvement and focus on how to make the most of your experience to meet your goals!

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