Interviewing via Skype? Check out these watch-outs and best practices!

February 5th, 2017   •   Comments Off on Interviewing via Skype? Check out these watch-outs and best practices!   

The hiring process is evolving in many ways, especially as technology changes the way we live our lives and conduct business. Many companies and organizations are integrating technology into their hiring practices and featuring Skype interviews as part of the candidate selection process. While in-person and Skype interviewing share many best practices, there are critical differences that you must be aware of as you approach your cyber interview experience. Environment, presentation, and technology are all factors that warrant consideration as you prepare for and execute your Skype interview.

Unlike an in-person interview at a company or organization’s place of business, a Skype interview takes place, in part, in your environment. It’s important to consider what a potential employer will see when the camera is turned on, and then prepare your space accordingly. The area on camera should be well-lit (be mindful of glare from windows that may affect an employer’s ability to see you properly), clean, and clear of clutter. I have interviewed candidates that conducted their Skype interviews in the midst of stacks of messy books and papers, piles of laundry, and even overflowing garbage bags. I’ve also seen pets jumping around and people unknowingly walking into the interview space. Inform your friends and family that you will be conducting an interview, and place pets outside of your interview room to minimize distractions and maintain focus during your interview. When you Skype, an image of you and what the employer will see is a part of your screen. There’s no excuse not to prepare your environment accordingly so your space supports a successful interview experience.

Although an employer will see and hear you during a Skype interview, your presentation will be unique compared to a live interaction. Your interview will be a two-dimensional experience, so you need to be aware of ways to ensure that your confidence and qualifications are effectively expressed. I recommend that you practice looking at your camera, and not the screen that will feature the employer’s environment. When you focus on the screen, you make zero eye contact with the employer. This makes you appear unprofessional and eliminates an important connection with your interviewers. Be mindful of your body language and avoid slouching, covering your face with your hands, and unnecessary movements. Maintain focus and try to be as genuine as possible in order for potential employers to accurately assess your personality and communication skills, as these things affect the perception of your confidence. Your dress should be professional and appropriate for an interview, regardless of medium. I highly suggest your wear a full interview outfit, right down to your shoes. In one interview I conducted, an interviewee was embarrassed when he unexpectedly had to stand due to a distraction in his environment and revealed that his button down shirt and tie were partnered with torn gym shorts. The key to a successful Skype presentation is preparation and practice. Practice with your career center, friends, or family to identify your own Skype interview watch-outs and prepare solutions in order to maximize your presentation.

You must know how to execute your Skype interview from a technological perspective. Become familiar with the Skype platform, connecting through the system with others, and technological operation. If you conduct a Skype interview with a potential employer and can’t get your video and/or audio function to work (which has happened with many candidates I’ve interviewed), it could negatively affect your candidacy. Learn the system, do a trial run, and then engage in additional practice as necessary to make sure you are 100% operational for your interview. Skype provides free, comprehensive training videos and information to support your user experience. Test your system and utilize Skype’s support resources well in advance of your interview. If you wait until the last minute, it may be too late and your interview will be negatively impacted.

When it comes to Skype interviewing, the themes that run through the critical elements of environment, presentation, and technology are preparation and practice. It’s important to realize a Skype interview experience features unique opportunities and challenges. Once you understand the process and what it takes to execute properly, you can present your candidacy as effectively as possible to impress your interviewers and take the next step forward in the hiring process.

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