This is one of the best questions to ask in an interview, if you do it right!

September 25th, 2016   •   Comments Off on This is one of the best questions to ask in an interview, if you do it right!   

While it’s important to anticipate and understand the questions a potential employer may ask you in an interview, it’s just as critical to prepare your own for the hiring manger. If you do your research, the following question can be a game changer. Read on to learn about the question, how to ask it most effectively, and how you will benefit from the experience. When asked thoughtfully, you will impress the interviewer and gain valuable information that you can use to enhance your candidacy.

Let’s first consider the core of the question, which is, “What do you consider to be the most significant challenge?” The question in this form isn’t powerful, as it requires context to go from a so-so question to a great one. Whether your target employer is a company, organization, university, or other entity, it faces challenges in some shape or form. You should learn about those challenges, and then explain how you are the right candidate to help solve them. To do this, it is important to research the company, field, and industry. Where can you find that information? Scour company and industry websites, connect with professionals in the field, read applicable periodicals, and consult with relevant professional organizations and groups. Don’t forget that LinkedIn is a great place to find some of this content!

That brings us to our next phase, which is integrating context into your question to make it powerful. When I was transitioning from the fields of marketing and human resources to higher education, I conducted about 40 informational interviews to increase my working knowledge of the field and establish network connections. Here is how I asked the question. “I’ve spoken with many people in the field of collegiate career services and have done some research through our professional associations and key contributors. I have learned that challenges in our field include the increasing diversification of student bodies, decreasing levels of state and federal funding, and an increased emphasis on identifying the true return on investment of a college degree. In your experience, what do you consider to be the most significant challenge that you face at your institution, or in the field in general?”

When asked in this manner, you immediately illustrate that you are aware of some of the important challenges, which proves you already possess a foundation of knowledge that other candidates may not. It also shows that you are aware of how a company must identify and overcome challenges to achieve long-term success. Being proactive and solution-oriented are traits that are favored in most workplaces, regardless of the specific field or industry. And the best part? Once you have this information, you can confidently explain how you are just the right candidate to help them find solutions to that challenge. You will integrate this information into the answers you provide in follow-up questions and through your thank you messaging.

To move forward professionally, you must work hard to identify opportunities and then close the deal through the interview process. Asking this question, whether in an informational or formal interview setting, will allow you to showcase your skills, knowledge, and drive to help a company succeed. That is how you will set yourself apart from your competition and leave a positive and lasting impression on those making the hiring decision. Good luck!

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