This year’s a wrap, what’s next? Career prep for 2016.

December 8th, 2015   •   Comments Off on This year’s a wrap, what’s next? Career prep for 2016.   

For many people, this time of year signifies both closure and a new beginning, as one year ends and another begins. How do you prepare for a new year? Do you create resolutions in an attempt to make big changes, or do you stay the course? Regardless of your philosophy, the beginning of a new year is a good time to take a look at your professional life in order to evaluate your current career strategy. Here’s what you can do to ensure that your career makes a smooth transition into 2016.

Evaluate what’s working, and what’s not. What were the professional highlights of your career this year? Did you experience any disappointments? Make a list of the positive aspects of your job or career, and also the negatives. Then compare them. When you read the lists, how do they make you feel? Are you excited to stay in your current work situation, or are you thinking about making a change? If you make a change, what will it be? How do you want to develop professionally? Step back for a moment and think about your career. A little reflection can lead to newfound clarity as you head into the next year.

Identify what’s most important in your life. Yes, your entire life! Work is essential, but there are many other factors that shape who we are and how we live our lives. We all encounter responsibilities, joys, stresses, challenges, and opportunities. Think about how it all fits together, and what the most significant factors are given your current career stage. Early in my career, when I was single and in my twenties, I loved my job that featured extensive travel, long hours, and a lot of investment in my own achievements. It was all about me. As I now balance work, family, and current career goals, my priorities have changed. Professional success is still important to me, but the focus is on others as I try to be the best parent, spouse, and friend possible while working to assist others along their career journeys. That is what now brings me true fulfillment. What are the most important factors in your life? What is your own personal philosophy? How has it changed over time, and how does your career fit into that puzzle? As you move through life, make sure your career evolves with you in order to achieve balance and satisfaction.

Identify both short-term and long-term goals. A new year may bring fresh opportunities, or a continuation of a steady journey along your career path. In some cases, an annual performance review is conducted at the end of a calendar year, which is a great opportunity to focus on your future. Regardless if you are formally required to set professional objectives, the beginning of a new year is a good time to identify both short- and long-term goals. You will discover ways to continue your professional development, or even detect exciting new opportunities. Do you stay the course, or set a new direction? You won’t get there overnight, so start planning. As Lao Tzu stated, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Identify where you want to go, and then start moving in that direction. You’ll never get there if you don’t start the engine and shift your car into drive.

Whether you are actively seeking changes or just conducting a career check-in, exercises such as evaluating your career, identifying priorities, and setting professional goals will help you continue along a path of career success. While you’re at it, it won’t hurt to update your resume, refresh your LinkedIn profile, evaluate your professional network, and identify new connections. Taking a proactive stance as opposed to a reactive one will allow you to focus your career strategy on opportunity and growth as opposed to frustration and anxiety, which is a great way to start a new year!

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