You have a great job and you’re happy, now what?

November 14th, 2015   •   Comments Off on You have a great job and you’re happy, now what?   

Congratulations! You’ve landed an amazing job and you are doing the I-have-a-job-that-I-love happy dance. Your hard work has paid off and you deserve some time to soak it all in. Go for it! However, once you are settled, it’s time to think about the future. Here are some important things that you can do to make sure your career keeps moving forward.

Keep your resume up-to-date. It’s a good idea to update your resume every few months, or when you achieve something that’s professionally noteworthy. What if an internal promotion suddenly comes up, or a recruiter contacts you about an opportunity that will allow you to advance both professionally and financially? Is your resume ready? If you hastily throw something together you may omit important details, or even make a mistake. That could cost you the job. Don’t get caught unprepared. Update your resume on a regular basis in order to thoughtfully maintain your brand and professional credentials.

Seek out professional development opportunities. We’re talking training, networking, and leadership. It’s important to enjoy your work, as well as invest in yourself as you grow your brand and career. Look for opportunities to learn new skills or content in your field, connect with fellow professionals to share ideas and encouragement, and take charge of new programs and projects. Not only will these activities enrich your professional experience, they may also help you identify the critical next steps in your career. Think about it in terms of a championship team. When players and coaches win it all they enjoy the moment, but then soon focus on what they can do to repeat their success the following year. That’s what makes a true champion.

Set new goals. You can go higher and further, so don’t stop now! As you grow professionally, your priorities may change. Sure, that job that involved amazing international travel opportunities was fun when you were single, but now you are married with two children and want to stick a little closer to home. You may change your thinking in terms of the type of work you do, how you do it, where you do it, and how much you get paid to do it. Enjoy where you are, but look for opportunities to grow and advance that fit your changing priorities and emerging talents.

By maintaining a current resume, seeking out professional development opportunities, and setting new goals, you can make the most of your current career success and prepare yourself for what lies ahead. Continue to build upon your professional achievements, and then hold on to see where they take you!

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