An online job search is a blessing and a curse.

October 8th, 2015   •   Comments Off on An online job search is a blessing and a curse.   

Technology has revolutionized how we think about work, talk about work, and even do our work. As a result, it’s also changed how we find our work. Gone are the days of perusing the help wanted section in your local newspaper each week. Now it’s all about real-time, 24/7, instant access to thousands of job listings with a few clicks of your mouse. Does it seem too good to be true? Well, in a way it is. Although it’s easier than ever to find available jobs, it’s harder to land them. Here’s what you need to know about conducting an online job search, and how you can turn the great information you find online into the next stop on your career journey.

Regardless of the search engine or posting site you access, odds are that you’ll be able to find many potential job opportunities that are a fit for your skills, abilities, and interests. Before you get too excited at the gold mine of opportunity you’ve just discovered, keep in mind that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other people that have done exactly the same thing with those very same jobs. They have access to all of the job postings you found, too! The good news? The Internet affords us easy access to job postings. The bad news? There’s a whole lot of competition for those jobs. How can you show potential employers that of the many applicants, you are the best candidate for the position?

Given the sheer volume of online application submissions and the prevalence of applicant tracking systems that are programmed to screen the influx of candidates that apply for jobs online, you need to be smart about your job search. First of all, target your job search in order to identify opportunities for which you are truly qualified. Make sure your resume and other application materials are talking the same language as the job description and position qualifications, specifically when it comes to keywords and phrases that are critical components of the job. Secondly, follow the application directions exactly as they are stated, as incomplete or inaccurate applications are often screened out by computer systems before ever reaching hiring personnel. And perhaps most importantly, don’t rely on online applications as your sole source of accessing your target positions and companies. Networking is absolutely key, as it can help you connect with professionals that are in a position to hire you, or can serve as your advocate to connect you with opportunities. Research target companies, then connect with professionals in your desired field through LinkedIn, professional groups and associations, and informational interviews.

Targeting your online job search, customizing your applications based on position descriptions and requirements, and networking can all help you turn those online job postings into interviews and offers. What else can you do to stand out from the masses applying for the same jobs that you are trying to secure? Be persistent and get creative, because in today’s competitive job market you need to prove yourself way before you actually land that dream job.

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