Is a bad LinkedIn profile better than no LinkedIn profile at all?

September 13th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Is a bad LinkedIn profile better than no LinkedIn profile at all?   

I’m going to tell you the truth right up front, and that is, neither option is acceptable. LinkedIn is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your network, share information, and connect with people and content in order to facilitate the development of your professional brand. That is why it is important to invest your time and energy into this valuable professional resource. If you have a weak, or non-existent LinkedIn profile, that will speak volumes to both potential employers and professional contacts.

So, how can a bad LinkedIn profile hurt you professionally? The fact that you have a profile shows you are aware of LinkedIn, but if your profile is weak, it indicates you don’t care enough to make an investment into this important resource. Potential employers or other professionals may interpret this as laziness, or an inability to navigate the site. Either way, it’s not a good thing. This lack of interest and effort can damage your brand. If you won’t take the time to sufficiently create a LinkedIn profile, how can they trust you to go above and beyond to create professional value if hired to work for their companies? Why would you work hard for their companies if you won’t even make an effort to work for yourself? Also, if your LinkedIn profile is sub-par, other professionals might not see you as credible, and as a result, they may not accept your invitations to connect. After all, networking through LinkedIn is all about sharing information. If you have nothing to contribute to the conversation through content or network connections, why would other professionals want to link with you?

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile at all, the negatives go way beyond the perception of a lack of interest, effort, or ability. Many professionals expect you to have a LinkedIn presence. In fact, some recruiters identify potential candidates solely though LinkedIn recruiting avenues. I hold an online recruiter certification, and guess what? Almost 100% of the training I received to acquire the certification was connected to LinkedIn! Recruiters may target professionals on LinkedIn who are seeking jobs, but in most cases they search for passive candidates. Those are the people who have achieved some level of professional success and aren’t necessarily looking for jobs. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, that limits an online recruiter’s ability to find you. Also, if you don’t have a LinkedIn presence, you are missing a crucial piece of your personal brand puzzle. Social media and platforms such as LinkedIn provide valuable ways for professionals to network, connect, and showcase their personal brands. Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of this opportunity?

A good LinkedIn profile can help you showcase your brand, career achievements, and professional network. Not having a profile, or posting a sub-par one, harms both your professional image and ability to discover career opportunities. Take it from a former recruiter. The time and energy that you invest to create a great LinkedIn profile will pay dividends as you travel the road of your own career journey.

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