Success Story: Eric A.

June 14th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Success Story: Eric A.   

As Vice President of a successful marketing agency, Eric has made an impact developing professionals as well as business strategy.

His advice to make a difference?

Be present, know that it’s ok to fail, build relationships, and always look for ways to learn.

What do you wish you had known in the early stages of your career?

That it is all good and an opportunity to learn. The setbacks, the failures, and the wins; it is all there to teach us something. When I was young I thought setbacks were something I should fear, now I embrace them as something I need in order to improve and eventually succeed.

If you were to give a high school or college commencement speech, what would your message be?

Whatever it is you believe you want to do, go for it and go for it right now, don’t wait. Life is a series of moments, cherish all of them and give all of yourself to each moment.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received that you would like to pass along to others?

A former boss once told me “When you think you have figured it out, you are more than likely going to have a pretty big fall.” I understand that statement much better now than I did years ago. I realize he was telling me to never stop learning and growing, and adapt to the inevitable changes.

What qualities do you look for in a potential hire?

I look for them to have a deeply held belief in their mission in life, whatever it may be. To believe they are here to make a difference people’s lives.

What do you believe is your most important professional skill?

My ability to connect with people and to truly want each person I meet to achieve their dreams.

How have your failures affected your career?

My failures have driven me to be a better version of me; the person I am today is in large part improvements on areas where I have failed. Life without failure is a life lived far too conservatively.

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