Don’t miss an opportunity to educate yourself when it comes to your career!

May 17th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Don’t miss an opportunity to educate yourself when it comes to your career!   

When you hear the word education, what do you think? High school? College? An experience where you sit at a table or desk and listen to someone lecture? Well, if you think that, technically you are right. Those things can be considered education. However, there is so much more to it. Education can take place at a school, but it can also happen everywhere else. Take a minute to look around you. Lessons are everywhere! Education, in essence, is the act of gaining knowledge. When you are looking for a job, it’s especially important to realize that there are many forms of education that can help you achieve your professional dreams.

Education that you gain in a classroom where you have a teacher, such as in high school or college, can be considered formal education. Your formal education can teach you important skills and knowledge that you will apply towards your career, so make the most of it! Seek out opportunities to learn in higher education, specialized training sessions, and ongoing skill development classes that you may be able to access through your job or professional associations.

When it comes to your professional development, the education you gain through your own research is very important. Dig in and research target industries, companies, job descriptions, and educational programs. Once you have that knowledge, you can figure out what steps you need to take to get to where you want to go. For example, do you want to work in finance? Research companies and specific positions that interest you, along with the majors, extracurricular activities, internships, and professional associations that will help get you there in order to land that dream job.

One of the best ways to expand your career knowledge is to listen to what others have to say! Learn from professors, family, friends, and professionals in your target field. How can you do this? Ask questions, conduct informational interviews, follow key individuals on social media, and read anything and everything experts in your field of choice have to say. The information is out there! Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for some help as you navigate your career journey. Chances are that those experts have had someone help them along the way, so they may even be looking for an opportunity to return the favor.

If you limit your career education to what you learn in a classroom, you will be one dimensional and ill-prepared for a job in the real world. Make the most of all of your educational options in order to create a plan that will work for you! Remember, even if you start out on the right road, you won’t get to your destination unless you make the right turns along the way.

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