Success Story: Linda S.

April 22nd, 2015   •   Comments Off on Success Story: Linda S.   

In the ever-changing high-tech field, this Web Consultant and Content Strategist believes some values stand the test of time.

How important are people when it comes to your career? Just ask Linda S.

Here she shares important career lessons and advice based on her experience regarding integrity, making sure everyone’s voice is heard, and working together to achieve goals and objectives.

What is the most important personal or professional lesson you have learned thus far, and how did it help shape your career?

Work with integrity and respect others. It’s important to do what you say you will do. You never know how professional and personal circles collide.

What qualities do you look for in a potential hire?

Willingness to learn. If you don’t know how to do something and have a willingness to learn or figure it out, that is a valuable quality.

If you were in a position to hire someone, what qualities would you look for?

First of all, I’d say active listening. Give people your undivided attention and encourage them to express their thoughts. You should figure out what they are trying to say. Also important is teamwork. You must know how to work in a team structure and be able to jump in when needed to help reach an objective.

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