Is your brand consistent, communicated, and creative? If not, what opportunities are you missing?

March 26th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Is your brand consistent, communicated, and creative? If not, what opportunities are you missing?   

Your personal brand is so important when it comes to your career development. It stands for what you are all about, and what value you can bring to a potential employer. Since employers will take note of your brand as it relates to your candidacy, shouldn’t you do everything in your power to make sure it is powerful and truly representative of your talents and capabilities? Check out the 3 C’s to ensure that your brand is helping (and not hurting) your career!

Think about all of the ways that people can access your brand, is the message consistent? Does your resume match the skills and experience you present in an interview? Is your LinkedIn profile up to date, and does it integrate information such as your work experience, professional skills, training, awards received, and involvement with professional associations? What will your boss say about you, as opposed to a colleague or reference? Are you a buttoned-up professional in the interview, but a wild party animal on social media? When making a hire, potential employers will look at every source of information available to them regarding a particular candidate. And if the information they find isn’t consistent they may consider you a risky hire, which in most cases is not good!

How do you communicate your brand? Yes, you can use the standard methods of your resume, network, and social media. Take it a step further and figure out what can you to do reinforce your brand, while appealing to employers. Create your own personal website. Develop a portfolio that integrates elements such as your work experience along with key achievements that made a positive impact on an employer or industry. Network effectively, and build a tribe of peers and mentors that know what you can do professionally, and that will vouch for you when contacted by a potential employer. Your professionalism and key messages should be communicated effectively across every medium, including your written word, verbal exchanges, and the ever-powerful realm of social media.

Once you have established your brand, are you creative in how you develop it? Within the context of career development you should always evolve. Who wants to hire someone who is doing the same work for 10 years, with no advancement or skill development? It’s all about value, and how you can make a company better. Start with your core foundation, and then build your brand in a creative way. What are new opportunities in your field, and how can you leverage your talents and abilities to take your career to the next level?

Is your brand consistent, communicated, and creative? If so, you are on the right track! If not, what opportunities are you missing?

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