Success Story: Ellen F.

February 7th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Success Story: Ellen F.   

From Accounting to Professional Photographer & Entrepreneur

Ellen F. wasn’t unhappy at work, but knew her heart was not into accounting. When she re-discovered her photography, she finally felt at home.

This is her career story: the challenges, roller coaster rides, and important lessons learned on the way of her career road trip.

How would you describe your career journey?

My career journey has been like a roller coaster. It’s been about figuring out what I want to do and then making it happen. Even though I obtained an accounting degree, my first job out of school was in broadcasting. I loved the work, but as I got older I needed a job that paid more. So, I put my accounting degree to work! I found out that while I enjoyed my job, I didn’t love it and I felt I was destined for something else. I was lucky to make some great contacts that then allowed me to turn my favorite hobby into my dream career. Now I run a photography business that allows me to tap into my creative side, while also using my education and experience to run a business. It’s the best of both worlds!

What is your most important professional skill?

The ability to engage customers. Before you photograph an event, you need to book the job and that comes down to building relationships and establishing trust. Working with so many different people early on in my career really helped me, as it allowed me to hone my communication skills and ability to connect with people.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received that you would pass along to others?

Do what you love, work hard, stick with it, and everything will eventually fall into place. If you enjoy what you are doing and you have drive and determination, anything is possible!

If you were in a position to hire someone, what qualities would you look for?

First and foremost, I look for honesty. You can teach techniques, but you can’t teach integrity. Other qualities I’d look for include dependability, creativity, and a positive attitude. Of course it’s important to hire people that have the skills necessary to do the job, because I think that translates into confidence and a high level of performance. Learning those skills can happen in the classroom or through experience. I love when someone takes charge and comes up with ideas to make an event or our business better. That’s the kind of person you can build a business with!

Do what you love, work hard, stick with it, and everything will eventually fall into place. – Ellen

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