Make the most of your college experience!

February 25th, 2015   •   Comments Off on Make the most of your college experience!   

When I arrived on campus the fall of my freshman year, I was excited. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but I did know it was my chance to figure out who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. Although my college experience was amazing, it could have been even better. Here is some advice that I wish someone given me as I began my college experience!

From day one, figure out how you are unique and start building your brand! Participate in campus events and join student organizations where you will meet people with common interests. The energy on a college campus can be electrifying and there are so many opportunities. As you meet other people and get involved, think about what you bring to the table that no one else can, and how you can contribute in your own unique way. That’s exactly what you’ll need to do as you enter the job market after graduation!

Embrace experiential learning, which is learning by doing! Being a student is like having free pass. You can ask questions and try out all sorts of things all in the name of learning. Don’t just sit in the classroom, study, take exams, and write papers. Get out there and call professionals in fields that interest you and ask for advice. Participate in an internship, or two, or three! Get a part-time job where you can gain practical experience. Volunteer for a deserving cause that interests you. It is crucial to gain experience in your field prior to graduation. You will invest a lot of time, money, and effort into your education. Shouldn’t you make sure you are on track to enjoy what you do before you cross that threshold from college to the real world?

Connect! Connect! Connect! At college you will connect with classmates, professors, roommates, friends, and hopefully successful professionals who will inspire you. You never know how you will be able to help people down the road, or how they will potentially give you a boost when you need it. Social media and sites such as LinkedIn are a great way to keep track of your contacts. As you connect with people in college you will be building the foundation of your network, which is one of the most powerful tools you can possess in your professional career!

You are in college to learn and build a foundation for the rest of your life. Take advantage of the chance to find out what makes you unique, learn by doing, and connect. If you do that, you will a big step ahead of where I was when I crossed that stage with my diploma in hand, ready to begin my career!

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